Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Before the First Class

Best piece of creative work prior to commencing architecture:

This is an illuminated manuscript I created with the intent to enter into the Easter Show. The text I used was the opening sentence of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, which I rather liked partly because it was in Middle English, but predominantly because of its use of concessive clauses.

Image of a great piece of architecture:

In 2007, on choir tour, I visited Elsinore castle in Denmark, famed for being the place in which Shakespeare's Hamlet was set. The castle overlooks a narrow strait, on the other side of which lies Sweden.

And this is a picture of Sweden, taken from the external fortifications.

Original photograph of something beautiful:

In the lane next to the City Recital Hall at Angel Place, there is an installation of hanging birdcages. Inside the birdcages are speakers broadcasting birdsong (which obviously cannot be seen in the picture).

Noun: aristeia
Verb: expand
Adjective: spindly

Noun: tangent
Verb: curve
Adjective: wooden

Noun: bathos
Verb: suspend
Adjective: postmodern