Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Assignment 3 Submission - An addendum

As required, I had my peers mark my submission. There responses can be found below.

Assignment 3 Submission - Part 7 - Crysis Environment

All relevant files (such as they are) have been posted to gamefront.
They can be found here.

Assignment 3 Submission - Part 6 - Images of Final Cryengine Environment

As outlined here, I was unable to insert my sketchup building into crysis. As a result, in order to satisfy the submission requirement of "5 real time image captures of the developed cryengine 3 environment" I have some delightful pictures of scenery.

Whilst on the subject of the marking criteria, I take this opportunity to point out the fact that I have explanations for my table and elevator on their respective Google 3D warehouse pages.

Correspondingly, it can be seen that I have fulfilled all of the assessment criteria but for that of "The image captures and architecture."

And here are the images of which I speak.

Assignment 3 Submission - Part 5 - Draft Cryengine Screenshots

Getting the terrain right
Texturing the arctic spring
The trees technically wouldn't be there, as the valley I've chosen is well beyond the treeline, and any ground not covered in ice is permafrost...
Similarly the little shrubs and the like would only exist in the lower provinces, as opposed to the wastes of Nunavut. Needless to say, I have taken some liberties with regard to latitude.

Assessment 3 Submission - Part 4 - Sketchup Model

My Sketchup model of the corporation can be found here. In the Google 3D Warehouse.

I went to a significant effort to keep things uniform, as when two corporations of such eminence are meeting, they ought not be concerned with fripperies such as who has the nicer interior designer. The focus should be on their business, and as a result, the architecture is quite utilitarian. This also serves as a reminder to the executives that they are but human.

Assessment 3 Submission - Part 3 - 36 Custom Textures

Harmonic - the oscillation between freqencies which create the perception of sound.
Thermodynamic - the progression towards the middle ground.
Ecolution - the inexorable progression towards genetic superiority.

Assignment 3 Submission - Part 2 - 18 Perspective Drawings

One point perspectives

Two point perspectives

Assignment 3 Submission - Part 1 - Mashup of Three News Articles

The Oxford English Dictionary defines the concept of Power as the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events. The in-text examples predominantly pertain to political or military strength. This ignores the growing might of corporations, the wealth and reach of which now extend well past those of conventional governments.

This is necessarily a bad thing. Like governments, these corporations are devot[ing] resources to cultivating a corporate image focused on global social responsibility. This leads to mass humanitarian aid efforts which are widely publicised in an attempt to garner market interest and sales.

In this manner, corporations work to increase their global influence wherever they can. If a company can be seen as a powerful platform… for targeting consumers it is more likely to attract investment and through that investment further grow its product and consumer base.

Vastness for the sake of vastness also has its attractions for executives: size is [becoming] increasingly important [in an industry where] scale helps firms spread costs and risk. With greater size comes greater economic might and thus greater industrial power, and firms are merging and splitting just as the political units of Europe did in the days of the industrial revolution.

In a world where multinational corporations have the economic might to generate the political clout which in the past cold only be afforded to economic powers (in the national sense), the balance of power shifts to the individual – without whom corporations cannot exist.

Coca Cola related information from The Economist, Cola Wars, continued, March 17th 2012, print edition.
Full text here

Facebook related information from The Economist, Valuing Facebook:Zuckerberg's Rocket, Ready foor Liftoff, May 12th 2012, Print edition.
Full text here

Take Two Interactive related information from The Economist, Video Games: Attempted Carjack, February 28th 2008, print edition. 
Full text here.  

I used The Economist as the source of all of my articles as it is the only source of valuable information with regard to corporations and their exploits. Not to mention the escapades of anyone with any variety of societal power. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Moose

And so, did Aurelie create a moose from the Cityrail map.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My choice of valley

The valley I have chosen is located within the Queen Elizabeth Islands (the great big islands in the northern parts of the North-West Territory and Nunavut).

Some images of the landform are below (these are for atmosphere more than anything).

Devon Island

Ellesmere Island and the surrounds

More of Ellesmere Island
The valley I am using - an ice lake between two mountains on Ellesmere Island

News Article Amalgamation

The impending acquisition by the Coca-Cola Amatil corporation of the entirety of South Pacific beer production, combined with Facebook’s IPO and acquisition of Instagram and Take Two Interactive’s implementation of gang warfare in video games lend themselves to the question of when does wanton acquisition of power become the plotting of world domination.
CCA expects PNG and Indonesia to act much in the manner of a subsidiary in return for infrastructure and technology growth. When the point is reached wherein a corporation is engaging in more development work than the majority of developed nations in the region, one wonders whether connections to the company could lead to potential ethical dilemmas in the future.
With Facebook poised to raise more than ten times as much as Google when it hits the market, building alliances and rivalries as it goes forth to dominate the ever expanding realm of the internet, all it needs to do is strike deals with global corporations before its sway exceeds that of Google, and a monopoly begins to be established.
More concerningly, when over-priveliged upper-middle class teenage boys can engage in dynamically branching rounds of gang wars, it instils in them the idea that they won’t be taking any more orders from potential sources of authority, at which point anarchy reigns.
The question remains as to when capitalism ends and world domination begins, with these three corporations blurring the line separating the two.

Green text comes from The Herald Sun (Author Neil Wilson)
Red text comes from The Australian (Courtesy of Associated Press)
Blue text comes from 4 Traders (Author unstated)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Assignment 2 Submission - An Addendum

As requested, I have uploaded the requisite files (or at least I think I uploaded all of them) to GameFront.
In essence, I uploaded each and every file within the level folder. 
They can all be found here.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Assignment 2 Submission - Part 5 - Links

The link to my model in the 3d workshop can be found here.

My Crysis folder is on Dropbox.
The login details are as follows:
Password: arch1101

Assessment 2 Submission - Part 4 - Images of the Environment with Monument

As the midday sun shines on the monument, it filters the light to create shadows for the students to sit and mingle in.

The sunrise over the horizon draws attention to the use of a single texture over the major sections.

The electroliqid aggregation pertains to the filtration of light, but being a monument for architecture students, it also needed to be suitable for viewing in the middle of the night, after a 72 hour work day. As a result, the environment acts as the filter of light as it absorbs the radiant light from the moon.

Assignment 2 Submission - Part 3 - Textures

The textures can be viewed in two ways to view the progression from light to dark. The method above offers a linear progression, whereas the method below allows for movement between the different gradations during the traverse from light to dark.

Assignment 2 Submission - Part 2 - Combined Axonometrics

The holistic use of a single material in the filtration of light achieved through the placement of planes heightens the sense of monumetality.

Mimicry of nature's forms in the dispersal and fragmentation of the structure results int eh building's envelopment in the landscape and its integration with nature.

The introduction of light through the porous skins of vertical elements stress importance to as well as integration within the landscape.

Assignment 2 Submission - Part 1 - Axonometrics

Holistic use of singular material heightens sense of monumentality.
Dispersal and fragmentation resulting in the building's envelopment by the landscape
Mimicing Natures forms in the buildings assembly as a way to integrate with nature
Verticality of the elements stresses importance in the landscape
Introduction of light through the skins porosity provides an integration into the environment

Placement of planes as a filter of light