Tuesday, May 15, 2012

News Article Amalgamation

The impending acquisition by the Coca-Cola Amatil corporation of the entirety of South Pacific beer production, combined with Facebook’s IPO and acquisition of Instagram and Take Two Interactive’s implementation of gang warfare in video games lend themselves to the question of when does wanton acquisition of power become the plotting of world domination.
CCA expects PNG and Indonesia to act much in the manner of a subsidiary in return for infrastructure and technology growth. When the point is reached wherein a corporation is engaging in more development work than the majority of developed nations in the region, one wonders whether connections to the company could lead to potential ethical dilemmas in the future.
With Facebook poised to raise more than ten times as much as Google when it hits the market, building alliances and rivalries as it goes forth to dominate the ever expanding realm of the internet, all it needs to do is strike deals with global corporations before its sway exceeds that of Google, and a monopoly begins to be established.
More concerningly, when over-priveliged upper-middle class teenage boys can engage in dynamically branching rounds of gang wars, it instils in them the idea that they won’t be taking any more orders from potential sources of authority, at which point anarchy reigns.
The question remains as to when capitalism ends and world domination begins, with these three corporations blurring the line separating the two.

Green text comes from The Herald Sun (Author Neil Wilson)
Red text comes from The Australian (Courtesy of Associated Press)
Blue text comes from 4 Traders (Author unstated)

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